Gigging during a pandemic

After nearly 5 months since my last gig, I had a great night in the beer garden of Murdochs Irish pub in Augsburg last night. I have been really encouraged in the way that people have embraced the new guidelines since setting out on this trip from Edinburgh on Tuesday last. In Edinburgh Airport, which was very quiet, I went to the Aspire Lounge while waiting for the flight. The lounge was set out very well for social distancing with a one way system for going to the (plastic wrapped) food area. The Ryanair flight was very quiet with mask wearing all the way. When I arrived in Memmingen Airport there were signs for the Covid Test Centre where the process was carried out free of charge. It took all of 5 mins.
Last night gig was performed outdoors with social distancing measures in place. I'm very excited to do another three gigs here in Augsburg before going home.


My first live gigs since St Patrick's Day

Hi Guys, I am delighted to announce my first live performances for a very long time. The 4 gigs will take place in Augsburg, Germany next month, 12-15 August. It has been 148 days since my last gig, or to put it another way, 40.44% of 2020. Click here for details. I am going to be spending the next few weeks doing some revision, can't wait!


Songwriting in lockdown

Hi there, it has been a while since I have updated my website so I thought I would bring you up to date with what has been going on musically recently. I've been busy writing songs over the past few months while we have all been staying at home due to the ongoing pandemic. I am very excited with the results of the writing so far, particularly with a song I have written about a distant relative of mine by the name of Harry Gleeson. He was wrongly convicted of murder and sentenced to death by hanging in Ireland in 1941. He received a posthumous pardon from President Michael D Higgins in 2015. There are a few short documentaries on youtube and a few books have been written about his story. If you want to read an article from the Irish Times printed after his pardon click here.


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